Analytics Fellow High Risk Patient Management

Welcome to the Green Apple High-Risk Population Management Analytics Fellow Program! In this hands-on experience, we'll delve into the world of analytics through our fictional company, Green Apple, and our project on High-Risk Population Management. Though the setting is simulated, the skills you'll gain are as real as it gets. Get ready for collaborative projects, engaging discussions, and practical insights that mirror real-world challenges in healthcare analytics. Let's make the most of this unique learning opportunity together!

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Meet your instructors

Meet your instructors ✳

Technical Support: Yi

Instructor: Fitz

Dear Fellows, we are your instructors for this exciting program. Welcome to the world of analytics and high-risk population cost management!

Throughout our journey, we'll be guiding you with our experience in healthcare analytics. While we're working on a fictional project at Green Apple, the skills you gain are very real and applicable.